Thursday, May 26, 2011

let's get together & feel alright.

so, i came to the realization that my husband's 30th party is less than a month away today.
needless to say, the insane list making has begun, i like to write & re-write lists... i'm kind of ocd about it... ANYWAY...i wanted to share  my brainstorm with you.

party planning is one of my passions & his theme is Caribbean... the secret to a great party is good food, food & plentiful drinks, good music & good people!  & have fun with the decor - transform your venue to the look & feel of the theme you are going for... your guests will appreciate it!

the menu
jerk chicken skewers
papaya & garlic shrimp
pulled pork sammys
cuban black bean dip
Caribbean rice
chopped tropical fruit
brazilian chicken salad

the drinks
mai tais
margaritas on the rocks
beers of the islands: 
red stripe
bottled water

i am making the mai tais & margaritas
ahead of time & keeping them in big drink
dispensers. i ordered a TON of these adorable coconut cups for the mai tais, and plastic margarita glasses for the 'ritas!

in addition, i made a sign for each drink dispenser so guests will know what's in each one.

"red, red wine"
"white sand, white wine"
"mai tais, mon!"
"margarita, seniorita!"
so fun!

surf board cake
margarita cupcakes
key lime pie
ice cream

hubby has always been a beach bum,
and surfs whenever he can get himself to a beach
with good waves, so a surf board cake is more than fitting!

the rest, go without saying, don't they?

timpani music
my favorite!
so we are having his party poolside, naturally.
the in-ground pool will be surrounded with tables that i will cover
with natural burlap fabric that i bought on ebay!
for centerpieces, i am using large tropical fruits:
i will be floating hibiscus flowers in the pool, and have floating candles
for nighttime.
i bought a large fish net that i am going to use to pin pictures of
the hubby from childhood to present to & drape somewhere for all to see
& point & laugh ... [wink, wink]

i'm so excited to see the party come together...
pictures of the outcome to follow - pray for sunshine!


1 comment:

  1. Looks and Sounds Wonderful.
    Let me know what I can make! I just need the recipe!
    Don't happy!
